Dining Featured
At birth

You've slept comfortably 403,200 minutes in his mother's arms; mother had no quiet sleep.

5 years old

You have to do 5745 meals eaten mother;

Mother is a person silently in the kitchen washing dishes after dinner.

10 years old

You have been the mother went to the school bicycle carrying 780 times;

Gradually due to the mother's hand handlebar increasingly rough.

20 years old

You have received a call from the mother through 72;

Mother never told you discomfort at the University of whether you just want to fine.

25 years old

You become another half of another's life from her 2350 km;

Mother did not hold back the tears high as you send out your moment how much she's dismay.

30 years old

You can also cook the mother through a difficult pregnancy, 300 days;

After his mother is still busy preparing to take care of you take care of your kids no regrets


On the way I was growing up, my mother plays a variety of roles: nanny, mentor, chef, cash machines, cleaners, housekeepers, gardeners, laundress ...

These are all because of the endless love children, mother in the process getting older.
I remember one year's Mother's Day, I am his mother on the phone, "I love you", the first time that such a disgusting words, Oh, the phone mom smiled happily.

Therefore, children who do not begrudge the beautiful words, a lot of praise for our mom point, let them smile. Anyway, gratitude, you'd be proud mom.
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